The Mars Society is pleased to announce that the next episode of its Red Planet Live podcast will air on Wednesday, August 21st, at 5:00 PM PT / 8:00 pm ET. This show will feature interviews with two prominent leaders in the organization’s educational outreach: Nicole Willett, the Mars Society’s Director of Education Programs, and Jen Carver-Hunter, master teacher and crew commander of the NASA-funded Spaceward Bound Utah program. Nicole Willett has been the driving force behind the Mars Society’s… READ MORE >
Topic Area: Teachers

Spaceward Bound is a joint NASA-Mars Society program to train K-12 teachers in how to engage their students in activities that will inspire careers in the space sciences by taking teachers into the field with scientists who are working on space-related research in a given location. First instituted by scientists and researchers at NASA Ames, today researchers involved in that early project are still holding Spaceward Bound field expeditions all over the world. Spaceward Bound Utah is a 5-day workshop… READ MORE >

A unique team of educators, designated as Crew 217, completed its one-week crew simulation yesterday at the Mars Society’s Utah-based Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), the largest and longest-running Mars analog facility in the world. Funded by the Utah NASA Space Grant Consortium, the NASA Spaceward Bound Utah program serves as a workshop for K-12 teachers to conduct field science under astronaut simulation conditions. This inaugural crew consisted of middle school teachers from Utah, Colorado and Connecticut and was led… READ MORE >