Mars Society Rolls Out New Web Site

Today is the day! The Mars Society is launching its new official web site! After months of hard work by our technical volunteers led by our IT Director, James Burk, we are excited to roll out the new version of our organization’s main web site, located at: As we are sure you will notice, visitors will have quicker and easier access to our web pages and content. To the point, navigating just got a lot simpler! In addition to… READ MORE >

Mars Society Announces New Podcast “Mars Talk” Highlighting Chapter Activities & Space News

April 15, 2019 The Mars Society has released the first episode in a new podcast series titled “Mars Talk” which will be available in both video and audio formats on the organization’s YouTube channel, via iTunes and the podcast’s website  Billed as “a community discussion about humanity’s future in space”, the bi-weekly podcast will feature Mars Society chapter leaders and other guests to discuss the Society’s activities as well as those of individual chapters.  The podcast will also provide… READ MORE >

A New Star Rising at MDRS

By Dr. Peter Detterline Director, MDRS Observatory   There is a new star rising at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) that allows crew and professional astronomers, as well as college and high school students, the ability to incorporate cutting edge technology to explore the wonders of the universe. The MDRS Robotic Observatory works in a similar manner as today’s modern facilities, and indeed as an observatory would work on the Red Planet someday in the future.  No one physically… READ MORE >

Mars Society Partners with Marspedia Project to Help Build Mars Online Encyclopedia

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that it has joined the online Marspedia project started by two other space advocacy groups – The Mars Foundation and The Moon Society – in an effort to build out a great resource for people of all ages to learn more about the planet Mars, promote the human and robotic exploration of the Red Planet and encourage STEM education. The organization is striving to make Marspedia the one-stop shop for all information related to… READ MORE >