The vision of sending humans to Mars is closer than ever, with both private and government-led initiatives making serious progress. Organizations like NASA, SpaceX, and international space agencies are actively developing the technology and strategies to make interplanetary travel a reality. But getting there requires more than just innovation—it demands consistent funding, policy stability, and global collaboration to ensure long-term success. To explore these challenges and opportunities, the Mars Society’s Red Planet Live podcast is convening a special episode with Dr. Robert Zubrin, the organization’s president and founder. Join us on Tuesday, March 4th… READ MORE >
Topic Area: Policy

Mars Society Members & Advocates, Thank you for your ongoing dedication to space exploration. We’re pleased to provide an update on our Mars Exploration Act (MEA) initiative, which aims to secure congressional support for legislation requiring NASA to develop a plan to land astronauts on Mars within the next decade. This mandate sets a clear direction for Mars exploration, establishing focused goals, timelines, and mission planning independent of existing programs or incentives. As we move forward with advocacy, we’ll rely… READ MORE >

Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States. The Mars Society is non-partisan and does not endorse any candidate. Many of our members and other space advocates supported Mr. Trump’s election, while many others opposed him. For reasons I have amply explained elsewhere, I have always been a member of the latter group. That said, whatever we think of the various policies that Mr. Trump has put on offer, there is one that I and the vast majority of Mars Society members certainly support: his promise to initiate a… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is excited to announce that its president, Dr. Robert Zubrin, will join Red Planet Live on Thursday, September 19th (5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET) to discuss the organization’s new nation-wide campaign urging Congress to ask NASA to develop a plan for landing humans on Mars within the next 10 years. Hosted by Ashton Zeth, the live podcast will offer insights into this bold initiative. The Mars Society has drafted a proposed Mars Exploration Act, requiring… READ MORE >

The Mars Society, the world’s largest and most influential space advocacy group dedicated to human exploration and settlement of the Red Planet, has dozens of chapters in the U.S. and around the globe. These chapters are involved in a variety of space advocacy and educational outreach projects, including convening public events, hosting Mars sci-fi movies, actively promoting humans-to-Mars on their social media platforms, organizing STEM initiatives and much more. To learn more about Mars Society chapters and their activities around… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that the dates for the Space Exploration Alliance’s 2020 Legislative Blitz in Washington, D.C. will be Sunday, February 23rd through Tuesday, February 25th. The SEA consists of leading U.S. space advocacy groups, including National Space Society, Explore Mars, Moon Society, Federation of Galaxy Explorers, National Society of Black Engineers, Buzz Aldrin’s Human Spaceflight Institute, Students for the Exploration & Development of Space and the Mars Society. Established in 2004, the annual SEA Legislative… READ MORE >