Red Planet Live is excited to welcome Dr. Luther “Luke” Beegle — a veteran NASA scientist and current executive at Northrop Grumman — for a 60‑minute live broadcast on Tuesday, April 1 at 5:00 pm PT with host Ashton Zeth. At Northrop Grumman, a global leader in aerospace, defense, and space technology, Dr. Beegle directs advanced programs in robotics, autonomous systems, and in‑situ instrumentation for NASA missions, Department of Defense initiatives, and commercial space ventures. Over his 25‑year career at NASA,… READ MORE >
Topic Area: NASA

The 2025 International Mars Society Convention invites presentations addressing all aspects of Mars exploration and settlement. We welcome proposals covering topics such as science, technology, engineering, politics, economics, public policy, space advocacy, international cooperation, and more. If you are interested in sharing your insights during the three-day event (October 9-11 at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles), please submit an abstract of 150-300 words via our Mars Society abstract page by Friday, June 27th at 5:00 pm MT for consideration…. READ MORE >

News broke today that the Trump administration will ask for a 50 percent cut in NASA’s Space Science Directorate budget for FY 2026. These cuts will almost certainly entail the shutting down of the Mars Curiosity rover, the Hubble Space Telescope, the Voyager and New Horizon interstellar probes, among others, and derail almost all plans for future American planetary exploration and astronomy missions. The Mars Society stands 100 percent in opposition to this brutal attempt to wreck American space science…. READ MORE >

The vision of sending humans to Mars is closer than ever, with both private and government-led initiatives making serious progress. Organizations like NASA, SpaceX, and international space agencies are actively developing the technology and strategies to make interplanetary travel a reality. But getting there requires more than just innovation—it demands consistent funding, policy stability, and global collaboration to ensure long-term success. To explore these challenges and opportunities, the Mars Society’s Red Planet Live podcast is convening a special episode with Dr. Robert Zubrin, the organization’s president and founder. Join us on Tuesday, March 4th… READ MORE >

By Dr. Robert Zubrin, The New Atlantis, 01.31.25 Between SpaceX’s breakthroughs and Trump’s inaugural promise, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity. But it can’t be realized as an eccentric’s project or a pork banquet. Here’s a science-driven program that could get astronauts on the Red Planet by 2031. America now has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to open the space frontier by initiating a sustained program of human exploration of Mars. Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starship launch system will soon be operational, offering payload… READ MORE >

Mars Society Members & Advocates, Thank you for your ongoing dedication to space exploration. We’re pleased to provide an update on our Mars Exploration Act (MEA) initiative, which aims to secure congressional support for legislation requiring NASA to develop a plan to land astronauts on Mars within the next decade. This mandate sets a clear direction for Mars exploration, establishing focused goals, timelines, and mission planning independent of existing programs or incentives. As we move forward with advocacy, we’ll rely… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is thrilled to announce that Sergii Iakymov, Director of the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), will be joining host Ashton Zeth for the next episode of Red Planet Live on Tuesday, November 19th at 5:00 pm PST. With a wealth of experience in aerospace engineering, space research, and Mars analog missions, Sergii will share fascinating insights into the preparation and challenges of human Mars exploration. Sergii’s impressive career includes roles as an Aerospace Engineer, Project Manager, and… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is proud to announce that Sergii Iakymov, Director of the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), has successfully completed a 45-day NASA simulated Mars mission at the HERA (Human Exploration Research Analog) facility, located at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. The mission, which ran from August 9 to September 23, is a vital part of NASA’s efforts to better understand the physical and psychological challenges astronauts may face during long-duration space missions. Sergii was selected alongside three… READ MORE >

While our amazing host Ashton Zeth enjoys a well-deserved vacation in early October, our Red Planet Live podcast will feature a special series of short, recorded interviews with six leading experts who spoke at the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention in Seattle this past August. The taped show will air beginning on Tuesday, October 1st at 5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET. Featured guests include: – Howard Hu, Orion Program Director, NASA – Artemis Program & Returning to… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is excited to announce that its president, Dr. Robert Zubrin, will join Red Planet Live on Thursday, September 19th (5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET) to discuss the organization’s new nation-wide campaign urging Congress to ask NASA to develop a plan for landing humans on Mars within the next 10 years. Hosted by Ashton Zeth, the live podcast will offer insights into this bold initiative. The Mars Society has drafted a proposed Mars Exploration Act, requiring… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that the next episode of its Red Planet Live podcast will air on Wednesday, August 21st, at 5:00 PM PT / 8:00 pm ET. This show will feature interviews with two prominent leaders in the organization’s educational outreach: Nicole Willett, the Mars Society’s Director of Education Programs, and Jen Carver-Hunter, master teacher and crew commander of the NASA-funded Spaceward Bound Utah program. Nicole Willett has been the driving force behind the Mars Society’s… READ MORE >

We are very excited to share that our own Sergii Iakymov, Director of the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), has been chosen to join a 45-day NASA simulated Mars mission (Aug. 9 – Sept. 23) at the HERA analog facility at Johnson Space Center in Houston. Congratulations, Sergii! We wish you and your crew an incredible experience on your mission “to Mars!” NASA Research Volunteers to Begin Next Simulated Mission to Mars [NASA Announcement, 07.22.24] NASA selected a new team… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is excited to announce that a major panel discussion on NASA’s current and future Mars exploration plans will take place (virtually) on Friday, August 9th at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET as part of the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention. Amid the growing complexities of Mars exploration, NASA is concentrating on several key areas: deploying robotic exploratory systems (rovers, landers, and orbiters), returning Martian rock and soil samples to Earth, and designing infrastructure for… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is very pleased to announce that a distinguished three-person NASA panel will join the Red Planet Live (RPL) podcast on Tuesday, July 2nd at 5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET. This expert team will delve into topics including Mars exploration, strategies for sample returns from the Red Planet, and the architecture supporting Moon to Mars missions. Hosted by Ashton Zeth, this first podcast episode of July will mark the beginning of RPL’s new twice-a-month format (airing… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is thrilled to announce that Dr. Alan Stern, a renowned planetary scientist and commercial astronaut, will be delivering an address at the Saturday evening banquet on August 10th during the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention. The event will take place at the University of Washington (Seattle) from August 8-11, 2024. Dr. Stern’s talk, titled “The Other Red Planet,” will focus on exploring Pluto. Dr. Stern is best known for his role as the principal investigator of… READ MORE >

Joining us at the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention is Dr. Vandi Verma, JPL Principal Engineer & Deputy Section Manager for NASA JPL’s Mobility & Robotics division. She’ll delve into the current missions of the Perseverance and Curiosity rovers on the Martian surface. Happening from August 8-11, 2024, at the University of Washington in Seattle, this global conference promises insights into cutting-edge space exploration. Dr. Verma serves as Chief Engineer of Robotic Operations for Mars 2020 and has an… READ MORE >

Anna Wadhwa, a MD student at Harvard Medical School and a Ph.D. candidate at MIT’s Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, will give a presentation at the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention at the University of Washington (Seattle) this August, with the title of her address being “You Spin Me ‘Right Round’: The Latest Research on Artificial Gravity by Centrifugation and Its Implications for Human Space Exploration.” Interested in enabling human space exploration to the Moon, Mars and beyond, Ms…. READ MORE >

By Dr. Robert Zubrin,, 05.06.24 NASA’s Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission has run aground, wrecked by a $10 billion price estimate, a 16 year timeline and excessive mission and programmatic risk. If the mission is to proceed, a much simpler and cheaper approach must be found. Fortunately, such an approach is available. The current MSR mission plan is so costly, complex, and risky because it has not been approached as a mission to be accomplished as swiftly and cheaply as possible,… READ MORE >

Join us at the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention, where we’re excited to host Ling Xin, a veteran science journalist. Ms. Xin will be sharing insights into China’s expanding presence in space exploration, covering its activities in low Earth orbit (LEO), lunar missions, and ambitious long-term plans. Based in Ohio, Ms. Xin’s work has appeared in esteemed publications like the South China Morning Post, Science, Nature, and Scientific American, where she brings her expertise in space, physics, and astronomy… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is excited to announce that Howard Hu, the Orion Program Director at NASA, will be a plenary speaker at the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention, taking place at the University of Washington from August 8-11, 2024. Hu will discuss “NASA’s Artemis plans for returning to the Moon and beyond”. As the leader of the Orion Program, Mr. Hu oversees the development of NASA’s Orion spacecraft, which is designed for human exploration beyond low Earth orbit. He… READ MORE >

Calling all Mars and space advocates! Mark your calendars for the 2024 International Mars Society Convention, taking place Thursday, August 8th through Sunday, August 11th at the University of Washington campus (The HUB) in Seattle. This annual event, now in its 27th year, remains the premier global gathering focused on Mars exploration, human settlement planning, and cutting-edge space-related topics. The convention will bring together a diverse array of experts including scientists, engineers, aerospace executives, policymakers, journalists, and space enthusiasts to discuss humanity’s… READ MORE >

Spaceward Bound Utah will host its final two MDRS cohorts in Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 NASA Spaceward Bound (SWB) is a popular and successful program to train K-12 teachers in how to engage their students in activities that will inspire careers in the space sciences by taking educators into the field with scientists who are working on space-related research in a given location. First instituted by scientists and researchers at NASA Ames, today researchers involved in that early project… READ MORE >

Mark your calendars for an inspiring episode of Red Planet Live on Tuesday, February 27th at 5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET. We’re honored to host former NASA astronaut Jose M. Hernandez alongside his son, Dr. Julio Hernandez, a researcher at Purdue University and former Mars analog astronaut. Jose worked at NASA Johnson Space Center from 2001 to 2011, where he served as an astronaut, legislative analyst, branch chief, and materials research engineer. He was on the STS-128 shuttle mission, during which he oversaw… READ MORE >

It’s time to consider alternatives to sample return By Robert Zubrin, Space News, 12.07.23 NASA’s robotic Mars exploration program is in crisis. A recent review of the plan of its flagship Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission pegged its cost at $10 billion, a price tag that threatens to preclude funding any other exploration missions to the Red Planet for the next decade and a half. While the decadal plan issued by a National Academy of Science committee identifies the MSR mission as… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that Theodore (Teddy) Tzanetos, Manager of the JPL Mars Ingenuity Helicopter mission, will give a virtual plenary address this week during the 26th Annual International Mars Society Convention at ASU (Tempe). The title of his talk will be “Ingenuity – The Martian Wright Flyer and Beyond.” In addition to supervising the Ingenuity helicopter mission at JPL, Mr. Tzanetos is also the Manager of JPL’s sample recovery helicopters to be used as part of… READ MORE >