While our amazing host Ashton Zeth enjoys a well-deserved vacation in early October, our Red Planet Live podcast will feature a special series of short, recorded interviews with six leading experts who spoke at the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention in Seattle this past August. The taped show will air beginning on Tuesday, October 1st at 5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET. Featured guests include: – Howard Hu, Orion Program Director, NASA – Artemis Program & Returning to… READ MORE >
Topic Area: Mars geology

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that Dr. David Catling, Professor in the Earth & Space Sciences Department and the Astrobiology Program at the University of Washington (Seattle), will be a plenary speaker at the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention this August. Dr. Catling’s presentation, “Live Fast, Die Young, and Leave a Red Corpse: The Environmental Evolution of Mars,” will explore the changes in Mars’ environment over its geological history and discuss the potential for life on the… READ MORE >

By Dr. Robert Zubrin, SpaceNews.com, 05.06.24 NASA’s Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission has run aground, wrecked by a $10 billion price estimate, a 16 year timeline and excessive mission and programmatic risk. If the mission is to proceed, a much simpler and cheaper approach must be found. Fortunately, such an approach is available. The current MSR mission plan is so costly, complex, and risky because it has not been approached as a mission to be accomplished as swiftly and cheaply as possible,… READ MORE >