Awesome news! 38 students from 11 countries have advanced to the final round of the Mars Society’s 2025 University Rover Challenge!

Student teams have built their next-generation Mars rovers before the final round and will now showcase their robotics expertise at the MDRS – Mars Desert Research Station campus in southern Utah May 28-31.
These innovative rovers are designed to one day assist human explorers on the Red Planet.
URC was launched in 2006, with competitions being held every summer since 2007. URC consistently draws an international field of the most talented and promising students around.
Meet our 2025 Student Team Finalists!
- Monash Nova Rover; Monash University
- BRACU Mongol-Tori; BRAC University
- MIST Mongol Barota; Military Institute of Science and Technology
- Project Altair; Islamic University of Technology
https://www.altairrover.com/ - UIU Mars Rover; United International University
- Carleton Planetary Robotics Team (CPRT); Carleton University
curover.ca - Queen’s Space Engineering Team (QSET); Queen’s University at Kingston
qset.ca - Robotics for Space Exploration; University of Toronto
rsx.skule.ca - Toronto MetRobotics; Toronto Metropolitan University
teamtmr.ca - UBC Rover; University of British Columbia
- Ceres; Universidad de los Andes
- Ad Astra; Sairam Institutions
https://teamadastra.in/ - IIT Bombay Mars Rover Team; IIT Bombay
International (US/Japan)
- KARURA; Texas A&M University, The University of Tokyo, Shinshu University, Tokyo University of Science, Waseda University, National Institute of Technology, Toyama College, Gifu University, Hiroshima University, Hosei University, Keio University, Mount Holyoke College, Muroran Institute of Technology, NHK Gakuen High School, Nihon University, Osaka University, Ritsumeikan University, Seikogakuin High School, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Shitennoji Senior High School, Takushoku University, Tohoku University, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, University of Texas
- ARES Project; Tohoku University, Keio University, University of Tsukuba,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Institute of Science Tokyo, Nihon University, Meiji University, Waseda University
- Mars Rover UdeG Space; Universidad de Guadalajara
- AGH Space Systems; AGH University of Krakow
https://spacesystems.agh.edu.pl/ - KNR Rover Team; Warsaw University of Technology
https://knr.edu.pl/ - Legendary Rover; Rzeszów University of Technology
https://legendary.prz.edu.pl/ - SKA Robotics; Warsaw University of Technology
- ITU ROVER TEAM; Istanbul Technical University
https://www.ituprojetakimlari.com/rover - YILDIZ ROVER; Yıldız Technical University
United States
- ASTRA; The University of Alabama in Huntsville
- BYU Mars Rover Team; Brigham Young University
https://www.facebook.com/BYUMarsRover/ - Cornell Mars Rover; Cornell University
https://marsrover.engineering.cornell.edu/ - DAM Robotics; Oregon State University
https://osurobotics.club/teams/rover/ - Husky Robotics; University of Washington-Seattle
https://www.huskyrobotics.me/ - Mars Rover Design Team; Missouri University of Science and Technology
marsrover.mst.edu - Michigan Mars Rover Team; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
mrover.org - New Haven Robotics; University of New Haven
https://newhavenrobotics.club/ - Northeastern Mars Rover Team; Northeastern University
https://www.northeasternrover.com/ - RoboJackets; Georgia Institute of Technology
robojackets.org - SC Robotics; Saddleback College and Irvine Valley College
https://saddlebackcollegerobotics.com/ - Society of Martian Engineers – Team Sofia; Utah State University
- Sooner Rover Team; University of Oklahoma
https://ou.edu/soonerrover - Team Mountaineers; West Virginia University
https://urc.orgs.wvu.edu/ - Team RoSE (Robotic Space Exploration); University of Hawaii at Manoa
- Yonder Dynamics; UC San Diego