Join the Journey: 2025 Int’l Mars Society Convention – Mars: The Time Has Come!

Get ready, Mars enthusiasts! The 2025 International Mars Society Convention is set for Thursday-Saturday, October 9–11 at USC (University of Southern California) in Los Angeles—its 28th year as the premier global conference on Mars exploration, human settlement planning, and cutting-edge space technologies.

As the U.S. government announces its intention to make a near-term human mission to Mars the central goal of America’s space program, the convention’s theme “Mars: The Time has Come” will be right on target.

Join leading scientists, engineers, aerospace executives, policymakers, journalists, and dedicated space advocates for a three-day event packed with insightful presentations, dynamic panel discussions and debates, and interactive sessions.

A highlight of the convention will be a live demo of MarsVR, the organization’s groundbreaking virtual reality platform for research and training, offering a firsthand glimpse into the kind of system that will democratize space exploration – allowing millions of people on Earth to explore Mars alongside the teams of robots and astronauts sent to the Red Planet.

With both in-person and virtual sessions, participants can engage in real-time discussions and ask direct questions, as well as network with fellow Mars advocates no matter where you are. Online registration is now open, and tickets for the special Saturday evening banquet are available for purchase.

Don’t miss this chance to be part of this important conversation that’s shaping humanity’s next giant leap to Mars!

Call for Abstracts

Presentations for the 2025 convention are invited dealing with all matters (science, technology, engineering, politics, economics, public policy, space advocacy, international cooperation, etc.) associated with the exploration and settlement of the planet Mars.

If you would like to give a talk, please submit your abstract (150-300 words) via our Mars Society abstract page by Friday, June 27th, 5:00 pm MT, to be considered for inclusion in the international conference.