The Mars Society (TMS) is pleased to announce the launch of The Journal of Space Analog Research, a groundbreaking publication aimed at showcasing the latest advancements in analog research from around the globe. As a leader in analog research for over two decades, TMS recognizes the need for a dedicated platform to highlight the significant contributions and innovations emerging from this field.
Scheduled for release in 2024, this quarterly journal will feature invited and peer-reviewed papers covering a wide range of topics, including the legacy of TMS’s Mars Analog Research Station Project, crew research at the MDRS – Mars Desert Research Station in Utah and the FMARS – Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station in Canada, the Mars 160 project, and research conducted at other analog sites around the world. Each issue will delve into a specific theme, providing in-depth insights and analysis.

Authors are invited to submit proposals for research papers, artist’s works, essays, op-ed pieces, and short informational pieces related to analog research and analog astronauts. The deadline for submitting papers is Sunday, March 31st at 5pm MT. TMS is committed to providing a diverse and inclusive platform that welcomes contributions from researchers across all disciplines.
To submit a proposal, please contact our editorial team, led by Dr. Shannon Rupert, at jsar@marssociety.org with a brief summary of your proposed work. Invited authors will be credited accordingly, and copyright will remain with the authors. The journal’s editorial team aims to respond to all proposals within one week.
TMS is excited to embark on this journey of exploration and discovery with The Journal of Space Analog Research, and we look forward to sharing the groundbreaking research and insights that emerge from this initiative. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as we prepare to launch this exciting new publication!