Debate to Educate and the Mars Society are partnering to host the international Mars or Bust Debate Tournament to be held virtually from September 30 – October 1.
This debate tournament will connect middle school and high school students from around the world via zoom in order to discuss some of the fundamental questions of space travel. Our goal is to empower all students everywhere to become curious about the planet Mars, while building up their fundamental logical and persuasive abilities.
To make this online tournament possible, the Mars Society requires help in the form of volunteer judges! No experience or prior debate knowledge is necessary. We just ask that volunteers be over the age of 18 years old (or 16 years old, if they have prior debate experience). Even serving as a judge for one round during the tournament is helpful.
View our schedule here. Finalists will present virtually during the 26th Annual International Mars Society Convention at ASU (Tempe) on Saturday, October 7th.
If you are interested in getting involved, please email debatetoeducate@gmail.com to confirm your availability. A little help really goes a long way in making this experience possible for kids all over the globe.
Can’t wait to debate! On to Mars!