ASU’s Greg Autry to Talk about Artemis as Capabilities-Building Program for Mars during 2022 Mars Society Convention

With some viewing NASA’s Artemis program as a stepping-stone to Mars, the Mars Society is pleased to announce that Dr. Greg Autry, a Clinical Professor of Space Leadership, Policy, and Business at Arizona State University’s Thunderbird School of Global Management, will give a plenary address about Artemis and the Moon as a capabilities-building destination for the Red Planet during the 25th Annual International Mars Society Convention, scheduled for October 20-23, 2022, at ASU (Tempe).  

In addition to his staff position at Thunderbird, Dr. Autry also serves as an Affiliate Professor with ASU’s Interplanetary Initiative and holds an appointment as a Visiting Professor at the Imperial College London’s Institute of Security Science and Technology.

Dr. Autry’s research has focused on the governmental role in the emergence of new industries and the booming commercial space industry. His extensive experience in space policy includes serving on the 2016 NASA agency review team to establish the Moon program’s current return. He is also Chair of the Safety Working Group in the Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee at the FAA.

Dr. Autry holds a B.A. in History from the California Polytechnic University at Pomona and an MBA and Ph.D. from the Merage School of Business at the University of California at Irvine. Prior to joining ASU, he taught entrepreneurship with the Lloyd Greif Center at the University of Southern California. He also currently serves as Vice President of the National Space Society and the Beyond Earth Institute. In addition, he writes frequently for Foreign Policy and Space News and is a regular science contributor to Forbes.

For more details about this year’s Mars Society convention, including online registrationcall for papers, a list of confirmed speakers, and volunteer and sponsorship opportunities, please visit our web site (