Members of the public are invited to meet with analogue astronauts and mission specialists at the Conference on Human Analogue Space Missions (CHASM) on Sunday, April 3rd (14:30-18:00 BST) at the Lucy Cavendish College on the Cambridge University campus.
Organized by Mars Society UK, one of the Mars Society’s global chapters, CHASM involves talks by UK and international analogue space mission crews and staff about their missions and goals. One of the key speakers will be Dr. Shannon Rupert, Director of the Mars Society’s Mars Desert Research Station in Utah.
The Sunday afternoon open-door session is free to the general public and provides students, families and professionals an opportunity to ask questions and see some of the analogue hardware used during missions. All are welcomed!
In order to attend CHASM, please note that online registration via Eventbrite (https://bit.ly/3KzWTcD) is required.
If you reside in the United Kingdom or plan a visit there in early April, don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to learn more about Mars analogue missions and planning for human Mars exploration!