Mars Society Selects New Chapters Coordinator

The Mars Society is very pleased to announce that Raksha Kammandore Ravi of Melbourne, Australia has been selected to be the organization’s next Chapters Coordinator. She will be responsible for providing support to Mars Society chapters in the U.S. and around the world and assisting with the formation of new chapters.

Raksha is a graduate student studying computer science at the University of Melbourne and is also an intern with the engineering team of the Melbourne Space Program. In addition, she serves as a brand ambassador for Mars University (Australia & India).

The chapters system of the Mars Society is an important component of our public outreach mission, as well as a way for the organization to build community and fellowship in the global movement to promote humans to Mars.

Raksha will work with other senior leadership at the Mars Society and chapter leaders worldwide to expand and grow our chapter and membership base and publicize their activities across the organization and out to the general public.

She will be meeting virtually with chapter leaders and prospective chapter organizers at the upcoming International Mars Society Convention during our semi-annual Chapters Council meeting (via Zoom) on Sunday, October 17th at 6:00 pm PT.

Those interested in learning more about the Mars Society’s chapter activities by attending the Chapters Council meeting can register for our convention and find the session with our Virtual Experience powered by Attendify on Sunday night in track Mixed B.

Please join us in congratulating Raksha on her new role! She can be reached via email at: