Watch Red Planet Live Episode 4 on Sept. 14!

Come join our Red Planet Live video podcast on Tuesday, September 14th at 6:00 pm Pacific / 9:00 pm Eastern for an amazing look inside the awesome technology that the Mars Society is working on!

During the first half of the show, Ron Craig will be interviewing James Burk, Mars Society IT Director, about some of the technology initiatives that he and his team are spearheading, including the MarsVR project, the innovative aspects of the organization’s virtual convention scheduled for October 14-17, and the use of virtual Marscoin currency.

In addition, Ron will host an exciting panel discussion about the latest activities, programs, and outreach efforts being carried out by Mars Society chapters in the U.S., Brazil and Canada, just a few of the 55 chapters in total around the world. Participating will be:

So much to fit into just one hour, but we’re sure you’ll find it very interesting and informative. So please check out Red Planet Live – Let’s Talk Tech & Chapters (episode 4) – next week on September 14th. You’ll be so glad you did!

For RPL live streaming, please visit: (YouTube) or (Linkedin).