Three Volunteer Internship Opportunities for 2021-22 MDRS Field Season

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that there are three volunteer internship opportunities available for the upcoming 2021-22 field season at the Mars Desert Research Station in southern Utah.

Two are student positions which require a minimum month-long commitment on-site, and should be done in collaboration with the student’s academic institution as part of an independent study program.

The first opportunity is designed for biology majors and requires the student to be on-site in December 2021 to do field work for an astrobiology project led by a team of experts in the field from NASA’s Ames Research Center, the Mars Society, and the University of New Mexico. There is a possibility of continuing this project on the UNM campus in January 2022, but that has yet to be confirmed.

The second opportunity, designed for students who are majoring in agriculture and/or agroecology, is more flexible and can be done anytime between September 2021 and February 2022, although earlier is preferred. The student will work on crop selection and management for a mission to Mars using our GreenHab as a model.

The third opportunity is open to students and professionals who have engineering and/or management skills and wish to learn more about operations at a remote research station. This position has a minimum time requirement of three contiguous months on-site at the MDRS facility.

All three internship positions include room and board at MDRS, and selected interns must be fully vaccinated.

Those interested in being considered should submit a letter of interest, a current CV, and a letter from a mentor discussing in detail the individual’s skills for the desired position. Please note those not following the aforementioned guidelines for applying will not not be considered.

Submit applications and/or questions to Dr. Shannon Rupert at: Please be sure to use the appropriate title – BIO INTERN, AGRO INTERN or OPERATIONS INTERN – in your email subject heading or your application will not be considered.

Thank you and on to Mars!