SIRIUS-Mars160 Veteran Anastasia Stepanova to Address 2020 Mars Society Convention

The Mars Society is pleased to welcome Anastasia Stepanova, an engineer at the Russian Academy of Science’s Institute of Biomedical Problems and veteran crew member of two major space simulation programs – SIRIUS (Scientific International Research in Unique Terrestrial Station) and the Mars Society’s Mars160, as a virtual plenary speaker at the 23rd Annual International Mars Society Convention, scheduled for October 15-18.

Ms. Stepanova served as a mission specialist at SIRIUS 18-19, a four-month long mission conducted jointly in Moscow by the RAS and NASA’s human research program that simulated long duration space flight to study issues related to human isolation.

She also participated as a crew journalist and health-safety officer in the Mars Society’s unique dual study Mars analog mission – Mars160 – in the Utah desert (2016) and on Canada’s Devon Island (2017). The Mars160 crew carried out specific Mars microbiological, geological, engineering and psychological testing and research for 80 days at each location.

Ms. Stepanova received an engineering degree in the field of mechatronics, robotics and automation engineering from Bauman Moscow State Technical University and a Master’s degree in the field of journalism from Lomonsov Moscow State University. In addition to her science-related work, she has also worked extensively as a journalist and a writer for television projects.

This year’s global Mars Society conference will be free of charge (although donations are welcome). For more details, including how to register and sponsorship opportunities, please click here. Regular updates, including a list of confirmed speakers, will be posted in the coming weeks on the Mars Society web site and its social media platforms.