The 2020 Mars Society Poster Contest begins today!
Members, friends and space enthusiasts are all invited to submit a creative poster for consideration, with the winning design to be used as the primary promotional tool for the 23rd Annual International Mars Society Convention, scheduled to be held around the world via the Internet on October 15-18.
Those artists intending to design a poster for this first-time virtual global event are asked to incorporate the theme of this year’s conference – “Rising Together” – into their planned layout.
“While nations and politicians continue to squabble, the world’s scientific community has come together as never before to defend humanity from the coronavirus epidemic. Through science and solidarity, we will defeat this threat together. And it is through science and solidarity that we will rise together beyond this darkness to create a brilliant spacefaring future. We will rise together above the hates and fears that divide us. We will rise together to realize the potential of our higher natures. We will rise together to meet the challenge of the future. We will rise together to Mars,” declared Dr. Robert Zubrin, President of the Mars Society.
The official deadline for submitting a poster design is Monday, June 1st, 5:00 pm MT.
Technical requirements for the contest are as follows: 1) The poster size should be 11″ x 17″, 2) There are no restrictions with regard to use of color, 3) If your poster is selected, the designer will need to submit a full color poster as well as a gray-scale copy, and 4) Poster designs can be submitted in Photoshop or as a .pdf file (the former is preferred).
All artwork submissions should be sent via email to: postercontest@marssociety.org. Please also use this email address for any questions related to the contest and/or the submission process. The winning poster design will be announced during the week of Monday, June 15th.
Thank you for your involvement and good luck!
Use of Image: Artist gives permission to The Mars Society to use digital images(s) of art work in online and print media. Poster Contest Disclaimer: The Poster Contest Artist, by submitting an application, agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless The Mars Society from and against any and all claims, demands or expenses (including attorney’s fees) for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, infringement of copyright, personal injury, damages, or any other claims, demand or expenses resulting from performance in connection with this agreement.