Volunteers Needed @MDRS

Good at carpentry? Love assembling IKEA furniture? Consider volunteering at the Mars Society’s Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in southern Utah this fall to help install new upgrades to the facility’s Hab and Science Dome.

Participate in our IKEA work crew from October 22 – 25. If you commit to helping out during the entire session, you’ll be able to stay overnight (3 nights) at MDRS in the crew quarters. Round-trip transportation will be provided from Grand Junction, Colorado to the station outside of Hanksville, Utah.

Volunteers camping out or staying in Hanksville and traveling with their own vehicles can volunteer for a shorter period of time (a minimum of one day required). Due to the size of the work needed to be completed, please make sure you can keep this commitment before volunteering.

To sign up or request additional information, please contact Shannon at: srupert@marssociety.org. Thank you!