Support the Mars Society on Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday, the Tuesday after the Thanksgiving holiday (November 27th), is a day designated in the U.S. and internationally to give back to the causes we care about most. Last year, our Mars Society community joined together to help us raise a significant amount of funds to support our organization’s mission of promoting human Mars exploration.

In the coming year, the Mars Society intends to further expand its Mars surface simulation programs in Utah and Canada, broaden its annual international Mars student rover competition, develop additional STEM initiatives for students, promote public outreach through its annual international Mars Society convention and continue to lead in our nation’s pro-Mars advocacy efforts.

To accomplish these important goals, we call on Mars Society members and fellow space advocates to contribute as much as possible – $25, $50, $100 or more – to our organization (a registered 501-c-3 non-profit) to help advance our drive to make humanity a multi-planetary species – starting with Mars. To donate, please visit:

Thank you in advance for your kind support and On to Mars!