Q&A with NatGeo MARS Series Executive Producer Justin Wilkes, Keynote Talk by Former NASA Ames Head Pete Worden and Live Skype Chat with Mars Desert 80 Crew from MDRS as part of 2016 Mars Society Convention Banquet

As part of its 19th Annual International Mars Society Convention, the Mars Society will be hosting a special banquet on Saturday, September 24th from 7:00-11:00pm at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.

Considered the highlight of the annual four-day Mars Society conference, the evening dinner will involve a number of exciting and timely events, talks and presentations, including:

+ A live update from the crew of the Mars Desert 80 mission (via Skype) from the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah, just hours just prior to beginning their 80-day simulation,
+ A Q&A session about National Geographic’s new MARS Series with Executive Producer Justin Wilkes, President of RadicalMedia,
+ A keynote banquet talk with Brig. Gen. (USAF-Ret.) Dr. S. Pete Worden, Former Director, NASA Ames Research Center, & Chairman, Breakthrough Prize Foundation – The Breakthrough Initiatives: Life in the Universe,
+ The Mars Society Awards Ceremony,
+ Remarks by Mars Society President & Founder Dr. Robert Zubrin

There are still seats available for the Saturday banquet. If you’re interested in attending, register today via the Mars Society web site by clicking here or contact Carie Fay (cfay@marssociety.org). To learn more about the 2016 Mars Society convention, including registration details and the program itinerary, please visit our web site.

The Mars Society banquet promises to be a great night. Please join us next month in Washington, D.C.!

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