After months of extensive work, design and updates by a dedicated group of volunteers, the Mars Society has officially launched a major update of MarsPapers, an extensive online archive of over 500 Mars-related papers, presentations and documents, all available in PDF format for viewing or downloading.
While many of the documents in MarsPapers have been presented at past Mars Society international conventions, members of the public are encouraged to submit any Mars-oriented document for inclusion in the archive, where it will be available for public reading and learning.
In the spirit of openness to the expression of all ideas that cut across a wide range of topics and expertise, the papers presented at Mars Society conventions that are submitted formally for publication by the Mars Society and/or for inclusion in the MarsPapers archive are not peer reviewed, although specific abstracts and papers may be deemed unacceptable if they are considered to be primarily unsubstantiated opinion or if they are deemed socially or politically offending in some way.
Peer reviewed papers from other organizations and journals are encouraged for posting in MarsPapers if the author has retained copyright and will give the Mars Society permission to post the paper. The Mars Society also encourages the submission of responses to posted papers or preprints of papers prepared independently, subject to the guidelines discussed above.
The Mars Society will consider for posting in its online library any formally presented paper or document that meets the requirements of the author’s instructions and formatting and is accompanied by the signed copyright license agreement and which bears a relationship to the purposes of the Mars Society, the founding declaration of the organization or to Mars in general.
Those interested can email a paper for consideration for posting in MarsPapers (http://MarsPapers.org) to the editor of Mars Society Proceedings – Frank Crossman (fcrossman@marssociety.org). Prior to submitting your document to MarsPapers, please first download and read the TMS Author’s Instructions.