T-Minus 10 Days and Counting…
Let’s Show Our Mars Society Presence at “The Martian”
Win 2 tickets to our next Mars Society convention in D.C.!!
Fellow Martians,
Here is an opportunity to represent the Mars Society and share with others your support for a human mission to the Red Planet. “The Martian” hits movie theaters in the United States on Friday, October 2nd, and we would love to see photos of you, your family, your friends, your chapter attending the film on Facebook.
The organizer with the most people and Mars props in their picture will win two free tickets to our next international convention in Washington, D.C. (transportation, hotel accommodation and banquet ticket not included), scheduled for September 2016.
How to participate/win:
+ 2pts per person in your group photo
+ 5pts for each visible Mars Society t-shirt
+ 5pts for a Mars globe or sim helmet
+ 5pts for a sign or poster with www.marssociety.org on it
+ 5pts additional for any non-members in your photo who become a member by Friday, October 16th (5:00 pm MDT)
+ 10pts for wearing a sim suit
+ 20pts for displaying a large “Join the Mars Society” banner with www.marssociety.org on it
Please post your pictures attending “The Martian” on our Mars Society Facebook group page, located at: (https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheMarsSocietyUS/), with #GoToMarsNow by Monday, November 2nd (5:00 pm MDT) to be eligible.
Winners will be announced on Friday, November 6th. In the event of a tie, earliest submissions will be given preference.