How to Access the 2020 Convention

Our convention will make use of innovative new technologies including Zoom, Attendify, and networking apps. This page will be updated with more details and information (including training videos) as they become available.


Your first step to access the 2020 Convention is to Register on EventBrite. Registration is free, and ensures we have an accurate picture of who is attending. Also, the list of conference registrants from here will be used to send important emails related to the conference.

Conference App – Attendify

Once registered, you may login to Attendify using these detailed instructions. In short, you will visit to access the convention and login with the same email you used to register. If you are asked for a passcode, it is risingtogether which is also the theme of our convention. We have also recorded this training video to further assist you.

Attendify is the main conference app and contains an experience that allows you to access all the plenaries, panels, and track sessions, as well as view details on speakers and other attendees. Attendify will be the overall “hub” of the conference and all other technologies & applications will be able to be accessed from here.

Webcast Live Stream on Youtube & Facebook

Attendees that have trouble navigating Attendify or are unable to connect with Zoom can always access the morning plenaries and evening panels via the live webcast streams on Facebook Live. Check the Mars Society’s YouTube Channel ( and Main Facebook Page ( for the live streams every morning & evening during the conference.


We will make use of Zoom during the conference. Although you are not necessarily required to, you can download the Zoom meetings client for a high-quality experience. The conference will be best attended via a desktop computer but you can also use a mobile device. In lieu of using the Zoom client, Attendees will also be able to watch plenaries and sessions using the Attendify application or (for plenaries and evening sessions) on Facebook Live via a web browser.

If you are a speaker, you will definitely need the Zoom meetings client and should test your sound and video prior to the conference. We recommend use of a plug-in USB headset with a microphone so that the audio is the best quality. Since all sessions will be recorded and placed on YouTube, having good audio is important for a high-quality presentation.


We will make use of one or more additional applications for networking between attendees, including the Mars Society Slack channels (Invite Link | Link to Enter), and a new application we will be testing out. You are welcome to login to the Slack application ahead of the conference and begin networking with our staff and other members.