The 24th Annual International Mars Society Convention

“Taking Flight”

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that the 24th Annual International Mars Society Convention will be convened Thursday-Sunday, October 14-17, 2021, all over the world via the Internet! The International Mars Society Convention presents a unique opportunity for those interested in the planet Mars to come together and discuss the science, technology, social implications, philosophy and a multitude of other aspects of Mars exploration.

Following up on our wildly successful 2020 Virtual Convention which boasted over 10,000 people attending, and more than 150 papers presented, we will again be using unique technology, to not only hold presentations, panel discussions and debates, but also to allow people from around the world to participate, posing questions and interacting with one another.

The Mars Society’s four-day international conference will bring together leading scientists, government policymakers, commercial space executives, science journalists and space advocates to discuss the latest scientific and technological developments and challenges related to the human and robotic exploration of Mars and the eventual human settlement of the Red Planet.

List of All Video Recordings

Donation Page – We request a $50 donation in lieu of registration fees.

Abstract Books: Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday

Program Schedule

“Taking Flight” Poster contest won by Olivier Gourdon [Poster contest announcement]

Page’s background image courtesy Smithsonian Institution.

Confirmed Speakers

Pam Melroy
Deputy Administrator, NASA
Dr. Greg Autry
Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University
Dr. Bruce Banerdt
Principal Investigator, NASA Mars InSight
Barbara Belvisi
CEO, Interstellar Lab
Dr. Steven Benner
The Westheimer Institute of Science & Technology and the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution
Omran Sharaf
Project Director, UAE Hope Mars
Dr. Penelope Boston
Director, Astrobiology Center, NASA
Jim Cantrell
CEO & Co-Founder, Phantom Space
Dr. Charles Cockell
Astrobiologist, University of Edinburgh
Angela Cui
Director, Mars Society China
Dr. Paul Davies
Arizona State University
Vandi Verma
Perseverance Rover, NASA-JPL
Dr. Jim Green
Chief Scientist, NASA
Dr. Henrik Hargitai
Ames Research Center, NASA
Dr. Michael Hecht
Principal Investigator, MOXIE, NASA-JPL
José M. Hernández
Tierra Luna Engineering, LLC
Crew 245
Mars Desert Research Station
Dr. Chris McKay
Ames Research Center, NASA
Dr. Katie Stack Morgan
Perseverance Rover Mission, NASA-JPL
Vera Mulyani
CEO & Founder, Mars City Design
Alfredo Munoz
Founder, ABIBOO Studio
Maria Antonietta Perino
Thales Alenia Space Italia
Evan Plant-Weir
Mars Society Canada
Dr. David Poston
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Dr. Nathaniel Putzig
Southwest Research Institute
Dr. Shannon Rupert
Director, Mars Desert Research Station
Dr. Sara Seager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr. Karl Stapelfeldt
Exoplanet Exploration Program, NASA
Anastasiya Stepanova
Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russia
Dr. Carol Stoker
Ames Research Center, NASA
Dylan Taylor
Voyager Space Holdings
Dr. Elizabeth Turtle
Titan Dragonfly Mission, NASA
Teddy Tzanetos
Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, JPL
Dr. Setthivoine You
Co-Founder & Chief Scientist, HelicitySpace
Dr. Robert Zubrin
Founder & President, The Mars Society

Past Conventions

Poster Winner - The 24th Annual International Mars Society Convention
October 15th-17th, 2021
Virtual Convention
Poster Winner - The 23rd Annual International Mars Society Convention
October 15th-19th, 2020
Virtual Convention
Poster Winner - The 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention
October 17-20, 2019
University of Southern California
Poster Winner - The 21st Annual International Mars Society Convention
August 23-26, 2018
Pasadena Convention Center
Poster Winner - The 20th Annual International Mars Society Convention
September 7 - 10, 2017
University of California, Irvine
Poster Winner - The 19th Annual International Mars Society Convention
September 22–25, 2016
Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.