The 18th Annual International Mars Society Convention

The Mars Society convened the 18th Annual International Mars Society Convention at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. from August 13 – 16, 2015. All conference sessions were held in the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center (better known as “The Pryz”) on the Catholic U. campus.

The four-day conference brought together prominent experts, scientists, policymakers, government officials, space advocates and journalists to discuss the latest news on Mars exploration and planning for a human mission to the Red Planet.

YouTube Playlist

To view all of the videos from the 2015 Mars Society convention, please click here.

Convention Itinerary

Access the convention program Itinerary on the web here.

List of Speakers

To view the list of scheduled plenary speakers for the 2015 convention, please click here.


Our four-day space conference will bring together leading scientists, engineers, policymakers, government officials, entrepreneurs, space advocates and journalists to address the significance of the latest scientific discoveries, technological advances and political-economic developments that could open the way to the human exploration and settlement of the Red Planet.

Past Conventions

Poster Winner - The 24th Annual International Mars Society Convention
October 15th-17th, 2021
Virtual Convention
Poster Winner - The 23rd Annual International Mars Society Convention
October 15th-19th, 2020
Virtual Convention
Poster Winner - The 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention
October 17-20, 2019
University of Southern California
Poster Winner - The 21st Annual International Mars Society Convention
August 23-26, 2018
Pasadena Convention Center
Poster Winner - The 20th Annual International Mars Society Convention
September 7 - 10, 2017
University of California, Irvine
Poster Winner - The 19th Annual International Mars Society Convention
September 22–25, 2016
Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.