As we near the end of 2018, the Mars Society would like to take a moment to pause and reflect on what keeps our mission going. It’s you. We extend our sincere appreciation to you – as members and donors – for supporting the Mars Society. We couldn’t accomplish what we do without you. As the largest and most influential space advocacy group dedicated to the human exploration and settlement of the Red Planet, the Mars Society is committed to expanding its… READ MORE >
Month: December 2018

By Robert Zubrin & Homer Hickam The Washington Post, 12.10.18 Robert Zubrin is president of the Mars Society and Pioneer Astronautics and the author of “The Case for Mars.” Homer Hickam is a former NASA engineer and the author of multiple books, including the memoir “Rocket Boys,” which was made into the film “October Sky.” Late last year, President Trump directed NASA to “lead the return of humans to the moon.” For most folks, the meaning of this was pretty clear: Americans would soon walk on… READ MORE >