End of the Year Letter From Dr. Robert Zubrin Dear Friend, We live in interesting times with regard to human Mars exploration. I can’t remember a period in which the issue of humans-to-Mars has been so front and center, both in terms of significant progress being made with the actual Mars launch infrastructure, engineering and planning, as well as growing public discussion and excitement about the possibility of humans going to the Red Planet. Things are definitely happening, and the Mars… READ MORE >
Month: December 2017

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that we are finally able to offer student interns the opportunity to come to our Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) campus in Utah to work on projects related to their educational and career goals. We are very excited to have another way for students dedicated to working in the space sector to gain valuable experience in human spaceflight and living on the Red Planet. These MDRS interns will not be part of a… READ MORE >

In Memoriam: Alain Souchier Alain Souchier, President and founding member of Association Planète Mars, the French chapter of the Mars Society, passed away on December 13th at the age of 70 as a consequence of severe cardiovascular problems that began a year ago. His close friend and collaborator, Richard Heidmann, provided the following comments about Alain and his life: A space propulsion engineer who graduated from the prestigious École Centrale Paris, Alain devoted his long career to the propulsion systems… READ MORE >

Get Involved – Project Mars Competition Join NASA’s Orion and Space Launch Systems teams and SciArt Exchange in visualizing humans venturing into deep space, to the Moon and beyond to Mars. Interested college students and early career professionals worldwide are invited to submit short films and graphic art about this mission, what astronauts may see, and their dreams for the future of exploration. Entries will be judged by film and graphics industry professionals and NASA astronauts. Winning entries will be… READ MORE >