Mars Society Announces “Red Eagle” International Student Engineering Contest to Design Mars Lander The Mars Society is announcing an international student engineering contest to design a lander capable of delivering a ten metric ton payload safely to the surface of Mars. The competition is open to student teams from around the world. Participants are free to choose any technology to accomplish the mission and need to submit design reports of no more than 50 pages by March 31, 2018. These… READ MORE >
Month: September 2017

The Mars Society is calling on all Americans to urge their members of Congress to support the nomination of Jim Bridenstine as the next NASA administrator. A telecon to coordinate the campaign will be held Wednesday, September 20 at 8:30 pm EST (5:30 pm PST). Those interested in participating can call into the telecom at 563-999-2090 and offer passcode 438709# when prompted on their phone. After leaving the post of NASA administrator vacant for 8 months, in early September, President Trump nominated… READ MORE >

Final Thoughts Mars 160 Crew Dear Martian Friends, If time is an infinite cord, we wanted to pinch it so that our tone could wave through the ages until one of you walks on the planet Mars for the first time in human history. Maybe you will look back in the past to understand what it took to make this singular moment to happen, and perhaps you will see us (and so many others). We were a group of people,… READ MORE >

Robert Zubrin: New NASA Administrator Appointee “A Good Choice” Mars Society Founder & President Dr. Robert Zubrin has called for the approval of Congressman Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) as the new NASA administrator. Bridenstine has focused heavily on space policy during his tenure in Congress, stating “[o]ur very way of life depends on space, the way we communicate, the way we navigate, the way we produce food and energy, the way we conduct banking.” In April 2016 at the 32nd Annual… READ MORE >

Hewlett Packard to Demonstrate VR Mission to Red Planet at Mars Society Convention The Mars Society is pleased to announce that representatives of Hewlett Packard (HP) will carry out a demonstration of their virtual reality mission to the Red Planet at the 20th Annual International Mars Society Convention at the University of California Irvine September 7-10. In a special plenary talk on the morning of September 8th, HP will present their new Mars mission VR capabilities and describe a major Mars settlement STEM initiative… READ MORE >