By Annalea Beattie, Mars 160 Crew Member,, 10.28.16 The Mars Society is conducting an ambitious two-phase Mars 160 Twin Desert-Arctic Analog mission to study how seven crewmembers could live, work and perform science on a true mission to Mars. Mars 160 crewmember Annalea Beattie ischronicling the mission, which will spend 80 days at the Mars Desert Research Station in southern Utah desert before venturing far north to Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station on Devon Island, Canada in summer 2017. Here’s her fourth dispatch from… READ MORE >
Month: October 2016

The Mars Society’s Red Planet Radio podcast posted Episode 8 today, which involves an interview with veteran space journalist and historian Leonard David. Today’s RPR host is Bill Hargenrader, best-selling author of the Mars Journey series and Founder of I Love Mars Media. Link to listen to our RPR 08 interview in iTunes. Mr. David is an award-winning space journalist, reporting on space activities for over 50 years and is author of “Mars – Our Future on the Red Planet” to be published by… READ MORE >

By Robert Zubrin, The New Atlantis, 10.21.16 In remarks at the International Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico on September 29, 2016, SpaceX president Elon Musk revealed to great fanfare his company’s plans for an Interplanetary Transport System (ITS). According to Musk, the ITS would enable the colonization of Mars by the rapid delivery of a million people in groups of a hundred passengers per flight, as well as large-scale human exploration missions to other bodies, such as Jupiter’s moon Europa…. READ MORE >

Please help promote Mars and space exploration during the 2017 Space Exploration Alliance Legislative Blitz on Capitol Hill early next year, scheduled for February 26-28. SEA staff will hold an information/training session for attendees in Washington, D.C. on the afternoon of Sunday, February 26th (2 p.m. to 5 p.m.). Meetings with congressional offices will be held on Monday, February 27th and Tuesday, February 28th. Join other Mars Society members and friends by signing up today!… READ MORE >

At its international convention in Washington, D.C. on September 24th, the Mars Society announced that it will conduct an annual high school Mars rover competition. The contest, to be known as the American Mars Exploration Rover Challenge (AMERC), builds on the organization’s highly successful Mars rover competitions for university teams, including the University Rover Challenge (URC), held in Utah at the Mars Desert Research Station, and the European Rover Challenge (ERC), conducted on simulated desert terrain (“Mars yard”) at a science… READ MORE >

Today, President Obama called for sending humans to Mars. Let’s hope that his successor acts to make that vision a reality.To be serious, the next president needs to make the goal to be to get to the Red Planet before the end of her or his second term. This can be done. From a technical point of view, we are much closer today to sending humans to Mars they we were to sending men to the Moon in 1961, and… READ MORE >

Today on the Mars Society’s Red Planet Radio podcast (episode 7) – Mars City Design Challenge Founder & CEO Vera Mulyani Ms. Mulyani’s multidisciplinary background in master planning in various fields of art; architecture, urban design, filmmaking and storytelling, has made her specialized in conceptual strategy in technology, innovation and business development, which is just perfect for designing a future city on the Red Planet. Mars City Design’s mission is to design the blueprint for sustainable cities on Mars. Mars City Design… READ MORE >

The first of a regular weekly journal series, exclusive to, from the Mars Society’s Mars 160 crew currently stationed at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah. By Annalea Beattie, Mars 160 Crew Member On Sept. 24, The Mars Society launched the ambitious two-phase Mars 160 Twin Desert-Arctic Analog simulation to study how seven crewmembers could live, work and perform science on a true mission to Mars. Mars 160 crewmember Annalea Beattie is chronicling the mission, which will spend 80 days at… READ MORE >

New spacesuits, helmets and backpacks were delivered earlier today to the Mars Society’s Mars Desert Research Station. As expected, our Mars 160 crew members are very pleased with the new gear. A big thanks to our Mars Society NorCal chapter for designing and creating the new spacesuits, and our sincere appreciation to an anonymous donor for providing funding for the badly-needed upgrades…. READ MORE >

Mars Society President Dr. Robert Zubrin will be interviewed on Public Radio International’s Science Friday program this Friday, October 7th, 3:40-4:00 pm EDT (1:40-2:00 pm MDT), to talk about current planning for humans-to-Mars, Elon Musk’s recent announcement and the Mars Society’s Mars 160 simulation mission. Please tune in this Friday at the PRI web site:…. READ MORE >