As part of its 19th Annual International Mars Society Convention, the Mars Society will be hosting a special banquet on Saturday, September 24th from 7:00-11:00pm at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Considered the highlight of the annual four-day Mars Society conference, the evening dinner will involve a number of exciting and timely events, talks and presentations, including: + A live update from the crew of the Mars Desert 80 mission (via Skype) from the Mars Desert Research… READ MORE >
Month: August 2016

ONE MONTH until 2016 International Mars Society Convention Major Speakers to Discuss Humans-to-Mars in Washington, D.C. The Mars Society will be convening its 19th Annual International Mars Society Convention at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. September 22-25, just weeks prior to the U.S. presidential and congressional elections. Leading scientists, government officials, commercial space representatives, policymakers and space advocates will address the four day conference on the latest updates about Mars exploration, planning for a human mission to… READ MORE >

Two senior representatives of Lockheed Martin, one of the world’s leading aerospace and global security companies, will participate in the 19th Annual International Mars Society Convention, scheduled for September 22-25, 2016 at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. With the recent announcement of Lockheed Martin’s Mars Base Camp plan, which would transport astronauts from Earth to a Mars-orbiting science laboratory by 2028, Tim Cichan, a Space Exploration Architect for Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, will discuss the new… READ MORE >

University Rover Challenge Comes to the UK The new Mars Society United Kingdom chapter recently took on a major challenge during its first year of activity by planning and convening the United Kingdom University Rover Challenge (UKURC), its own version of the U.S. Mars Society’s highly-successful University Rover Challenge (URC), held annually at the Mars Desert Research Station in southern Utah. The new UK branch is based out of Manchester, England, but its members also come from the areas of… READ MORE >

The number of senior NASA officials and scientists confirmed to speak at the 19th Annual International Mars Society Convention continues to grow. Recognized as the world’s premier conference on Mars exploration and humans-to-Mars planning, the International Mars Society Convention is scheduled for September 22-25 at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. NASA representatives to “talk Mars” at our 2016 convention will include: Jim Green – Director, NASA Planetary Science Division: Mars & International Cooperation Jim Watzin – Director,… READ MORE >

The full program itinerary for the 19th Annual International Mars Society Convention, scheduled for September 22-25 at the Catholic University in Washington, D.C., has been posted on our organization’s web site. Please take a few minutes to look over our list of plenary and track talk speakers, as well as our planned panel discussions and public debates on issues that will have a major impact on human Mars exploration in the years to come. Join us this September to hear… READ MORE >