Good evening. The Mars Society is very glad to announce that the 2015-16 Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) field season has begun. Crew 155, a six-person team led by veteran commander Paul Bakken, arrived “on Mars” yesterday, beginning a two-week field rotation, which will involve daily work and research as part of the Mars Society’s Mars surface simulation program in Utah. Congratulations to the crew, and let’s make this a terrific year for our world-class MDRS program. For daily updates about… READ MORE >
Month: October 2015

The Mars Society and the Space Exploration Alliance (SEA), a growing network of major space advocacy groups, including the Planetary Society, the National Space Society and Explore Mars, will be organizing and hosting the 2016 Legislative Blitz on February 21-23 in Washington, D.C. The annual March-on-Capitol Hill event will bring dozens of volunteers, including Mars Society members, to our nation’s capital to help educate members of Congress and their staff on the importance of human and robotic space exploration, the… READ MORE >

Robert Zubrin / Interview The Guardian (UK), October 6, 2015 Overall it’s a very good movie, and while there are mistakes in it, it is the first genuine Mars movie. It is the first movie that attempts to be realistic and that is actually about human beings grappling with the problems of exploring Mars, as opposed to various movies set on Mars that are essentially either shoot ’em ups or horror films. It does not engage in fantasy: no monsters,… READ MORE >