A Martian Odyssey: We Can Do It

The exploration and settlement of Mars is one of the great challenges of our time — a point strongly underlined by Monday’s announcement of the discovery of potentially life-holding liquid water on that planet — so it is not surprising that there have been many good novels investigating its possibilities. There have, however, been no worthwhile movies on the subject. True, there have been a fair number of big-budget extravaganzas that nominally involve Mars, but these have been simply a… READ MORE >

MDRS Hosts Bloggers Covering 20th Cen. Fox’s The Martian

The Mars Society’s Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), the world’s longest-serving Mars surface simulation habitat located in southern Utah, played host to a group of twelve international entertainment and science bloggers last weekend. Organized by 20th Century Fox, one of the largest U.S. film studios, the media visit to MDRS was set up as part of the company’s ongoing effort to promote the Ridley Scott-directed film, The Martian, which is due out in theaters October 2nd. During the two-day visit,… READ MORE >

Let’s Show Our Mars Society Presence at “The Martian”

T-Minus 10 Days and Counting… Let’s Show Our Mars Society Presence at “The Martian” Win 2 tickets to our next Mars Society convention in D.C.!! Fellow Martians, Here is an opportunity to represent the Mars Society and share with others your support for a human mission to the Red Planet. “The Martian” hits movie theaters in the United States on Friday, October 2nd, and we would love to see photos of you, your family, your friends, your chapter attending the… READ MORE >

Mars Society Announces International Gemini Mars Design Competition

Students to propose design concepts mission to open the path to the Red Planet Introduction The U.S. human spaceflight program is currently adrift. It needs a goal, and that goal should be sending explorers to Mars in our time. In order to help provide such direction and get a real humans to Mars program underway, the Mars Society is launching an international student engineering  contest to design the Gemini Mars mission, creating a plan for a two-person Mars flyby that… READ MORE >

Mars Society Announces New Initiatives Following Steering Committee Meeting
Mars Society logo

During the 18th Annual International Mars Society Convention, held in mid-August in Washington, D.C., the Mars Society convened its Steering Committee and decided on a number of major initiatives for the coming year. These include: + The Mars Society will attempt to intersect the political ferment associated with the now unfolding U.S. presidential campaign to mobilize its American members and chapters to take every opportunity to meet all presidential hopefuls while they are out on the campaign trail, as well… READ MORE >